This course will walk you and your students through building an elaborate maze game. It comes with a starter project and 24 animated video tutorials. It covers everything from movement inside a maze, to cloning, lives, game states and jail states. This game is so much fun to play (give it a try below!), and even more fun to build! As always, I break down every concept in a manner only really possible using animations...
Scratch Level & Skills Covered
Play the Game
Let’s take a quick look at the completed Vita-Man game!
Click the green flag and play the game a few times, and you’ll get a better idea for what we’re going to be building!
Course Content
![Scratch Maze Course](
An Introduction to the Vita-Man Game
Part 1: Vita-Man
Step 1: Get Vita-Man Moving!
Step 2: Move More Smoothly!
Step 3: Become a Detector!
Step 4: Pick the Colors!
Step 5: Detect the Walls!
Step 6: Escape!
Step 7: Eat the Dots!
Part 2: Gummy
Step 8: Get Gummy Moving
Step 9: Prepare to Follow
Step 10: Set Desired Direction
Part 3: Ghosts On
Step 11: The Power Snacks
Step 12: Ghosts On!
Step 13: Give a Warning!
Step 14: Set the Speed!
Step 15: Send Gummy to Jail!
Step 16: Get in and out of Jail!
Part 4: Game States
Step 17: Game States Explained!
Step 18: The Game State Timer!
Step 19: Add Lives!
Step 20: Win the Game!
Part 5: Bonus Features
Step 21: Add Score!
Step 22: Add Messages!
Step 23: Add the Other Crawlers!